
What is Keep My Rx?

The #KeepMyRx campaign seeks to raise public awareness about the benefits of medical stability and the impact on patient health of being forced by their health plans to switch medicines. The #KeepMyRx campaign promotes legislation and policies that protect patient access to the medicines their physicians prescribe. The #KeepMyRx policy priorities include insurance reform that limits utilization management practices such as non-medical switching. To learn more about the impact of non-medical switching click here.

The #KeepMyRx Steering Committee members are:

Help patients keep their prescribed medicines by joining the #KeepMyRx campaign. Join today by contacting #KeepMyRx HERE.

Non-Medical Switching

Preventing Patient Access to Prescribed Medication

What is Non-Medical Switching?

To maximize their profits, health insurers have been not only raising premiums but also intensifying efforts to contain their costs – restricting formularies, embracing utilization management practices and imposing benefit designs that shift the expense of medicines to patients.

Learn More Get the Fact Sheet

Prioritizing Access for All Patients

Delaying treatment or switching medications for non-medical reasons can be dangerous for any patient. That’s why lawmakers should prioritize access, and act now to put commonsense limits on insurance barriers.

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An Act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions.

Texas HB 1646

View the Legislation

Relating to modification of certain prescription drug benefits and coverage offered by certain health benefit plans.


Join the KeepMyRx Campaign. Sign up here to share your story and receive regular updates about opportunities to protect patient access in your state.


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